Dawn. The last morning wild camping alone, high up on a hill in North Devon. In the distance, a howl. Perhaps a dog. More mouths howling. Wolves. Wolves, here? The pack yowled louder. Followed by [...]
A Creative Response to Quarantine from Valise Noire Storytelling Theatre In this fourth video in our series, we played with form, words and movement. In the first lockdown of 2020, everything was [...]
Things We Broke During Lockdown: #2 Zoom – Broken Communication A Creative Response to Quarantine from Valise Noire Storytelling Theatre In these times of change and challenge, we know art [...]
I was not in the mood for funk music. I wanted to shut down. To busy myself with distraction. To avoid. I could feel the mental and emotional fug lowering like a cloak of clouds and my nervous [...]
There is power in the base of the body. There is potency in the pelvic bowl and its organs. There is aliveness in the sex organs and a strength in the legs that connects us to the earth. We live [...]
Two weeks’ prior to this photo being taken, this little olive tree was brown, crispy-leaved and looking rather on its way out. I had neglected it. Could I bring it back from the brink? I [...]
Play is important. This summer in women’s yoga, we got tangled up, twisted, small and large, we chased each other and connected to ourselves, the group and the space around us through fun. [...]
I broke my mala beads well over a year ago. After letting the beads languish in a box in a cupboard in the corner of my room for an age, I have finally, lovingly restrung the beads, one by one, [...]
Intimacy with all of life. Juicy moments are everywhere. Juicy, enlivening. Here. Now. In the mundane. The everyday. The alone moments and the together moments. The 5 senses, a gateway. Fully [...]
Each week in my yoga classes, and each month in my Conscious Creativity Circle, we explore a theme. Over the coming weeks, I will share some of the insights and invitations from these [...]