Grief Prayer

There is so much space within the ground of being, the joy of being, for all feelings. In this year of the unexpected, of loss and separation and the gaining of new insights and gifts, [...]


How is it to dance when we don’t feel like dancing?

I was not in the mood for funk music. I wanted to shut down. To busy myself with distraction. To avoid. I could feel the mental and emotional fug lowering like a cloak of clouds and my nervous [...]


Space for Integration

Sometimes we all need a little space, a little time, for integration. Life moves through us as we grow and evolve. Our unfolding happens in its own unique way and time. Life can feel full, rich [...]


On Kindness

Be kind to your mind. Be kind to all the pieces of you that make up your wholeness. Be kind the parts of yourself that you might turn away from or not know how to be with. Let breath and silence [...]


From Push-Pull to Meeting Life as it is.

When we experience a sense of push or pull within the system it generally feels uncomfortable. We might experience it at the physical level: as muscular tension, heaviness or contraction. We [...]


Shedding Skins: On Cycles and Transformation

This week @voodooloutattoo gifted me a whole skin that Damballah, a python, had shed. The skin feels alive with potent energy. What it symbolises is rich in teachings, too. Lou described how, [...]


The Gift

The Gift Sitting in circle We receive each other’s words in the vibrant silence of the heart Sister Brother Heard and held. Yes, mind chatters: Advice this Judgement that. But the space [...]


A Desire to Thrive

Two weeks’ prior to this photo being taken, this little olive tree was brown, crispy-leaved and looking rather on its way out. I had neglected it. Could I bring it back from the brink? I [...]


This is how She holds You.

This is how She holds you. When the heart is heavy, collapsing inwards or full to bursting with all that yearns to be held and met and loved within it Lie on the ground let Her hold you, receive [...]


Bead by Bead

I broke my mala beads well over a year ago. After letting the beads languish in a box in a cupboard in the corner of my room for an age, I have finally, lovingly restrung the beads, one by one, [...]

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